On Saturday I attended my first wedding in Sweden. I am hesitant to say Swedish Wedding as, despite the geographical location, there was probably very little about the wedding that was traditionally Swedish. The bride is Swedish but has Finnish …
Anyone for Banana Pizza?
Nicklas once told me that Swedish pizza is ”The best pizza in the whole world”. Even better than pizza in Italy apparently. As he has never been to Italy, and he has the typical Swedish belief that everything is better …
Välkommen till Västerås
Welcome to Västerås: Sweden’s sixth largest city and the place that I will be calling home for the next year or so. The city is one of Sweden’s oldest cities and was the second largest city in the 11th…
Back to School
The phrase that every teacher (and student) dreads the most is: Back to School. Probably because these 3 words are usually splashed across every shop window and inside every supermarket aisle about 2 days after the Summer Holiday – …
Keeping the Tradition Alive
July 30th has officially been labelled as National Cheesecake Day. Admittedly this is in America and as far as I am aware the day is not widely celebrated in Sweden, if at all. Those of you who know me …
An Afternoon of Fika and Shopping
This afternoon I met my new friend Jordan to enjoy two of Sweden‘s finest traditions – Fika and H&M. I met Jordan last week after responding to her post on expat website TheLocal where she had asked if …
Sweden’s Drinking Culture
The good old houseparty is probably most common amongst students in the UK and usually serves as a precursor to the evening’s main event at the latest bar or club. Organising beverages is pretty easy: simply head down to Tesco, …