Photography Travelling

Capture The Colour Photograph Competition

I have recently been invited by the guys over at TravelSupermarket to participate in their ‘Capture the Colour’ photo competition. Β The premise of the competition is simple: Enter 5 travel photographs each one depicting a colour – blue, green, yellow, white and red. With a judging panel of some of the best travel photographers out there standards are definitely going to be high.

Not only is this competition a great chance to showcase some of my favourite photographs but there are also some pretty awesome prizes to be won too! The winner of each colour category will receive an iPad3, and the lucky overall winner will gain Β£2000 in cash – Β more than enough for me to pay for a trip to Norway to see wild Orcas this winter πŸ™‚

Here are my entries.


This picture was taken inside the Raeapteek pharmacy in Tallinn, Estonia. The pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy in Europe, having been in operation since the 15th Century. Amongst the bottles of strange potions I photographed this image of the Town Hall reflected upside-down through the blue liquid.


The Canarian island of Tenerife has long been synonymous with holiday makers drinking themselves into oblivion in a string of cheap British bars, but a trip away from the tourist resorts reveals an island rich in bountiful banana plantations. Bananas were originally introduced to the island as a way of trading and remains the island’s largest export to date. I never tired of photographing Tenerife’s beautiful landscape.


I have longed to visit the coastal town of Valparaiso in Chile ever since reading the poems of Neruda and the novels of Isabelle Allende at university, so when I got to visit Chile last year I spent a few days photographing the city. This picture was taken at the entrance of ‘Concepcion’ Valparaiso’s oldest funicular, built in 1883.

White Β Despite being a sun-loving girl, one of the things I missed during three years in Vietnam was a proper winter, so when I moved to Sweden I couldn’t wait to see some snow. Luckily for me my first winter back in Europe was the coldest and snowiest in decades. Coming home from work one evening in mid October the snow began to fall lightly, getting steadily heavier and heavier. By the time I got home I was walking through a winter wonderland, silent and perfect. The snow stayed this deep for the next 6 months.


Tango dancers are probably the most iconic image of Argentina so I was determined to take a photograph while I was there last year. This picture was taken of a street dancer on Calle Florida, Buenos Aires.

So now that I have entered my pictures my nominations are:

IslandMomma Linda writes beautifully about her life in Tenerife and takes some pretty good photos too.

Black Chick On TourΒ Terri writes about her life in Saudi as well as her numerous exciting travels around the world.

Never Ending FootstepsΒ I love Lauren’s pictures of her adventures around Asia and Europe.

BreakawayBackpackerΒ A fun blogger with a great sense of humour and some lovely photos of his travels in around Central Europe and Egypt

CrazySexyFunTravellerΒ A blogger that I’ve only been following for a short while, she has some great pics of South and Central America

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  1. says:

    Lovely selection of photos, I especially like the blue one with the upside-down town hall, a really unusual angle (literally!). I’ve been trying to pick some photos for this contest too but it’s so hard to choose.
    Lucy recently posted..Happy birthday(s)My Profile

    1. I know! It took me ages to select the ones I did and even now I keep thinking about other ones I could have used and wondering if they are better! Good luck in the competition πŸ™‚

  2. says:

    Oh they are all amazing, but for some reason it’s the yellow that really captures my attention and emotions. Thanks for the nomination.

    1. You are welcome, I’m looking forward to seeing your entries!

  3. says:

    Wow. Gorgeous pix! I love the blue one especially. Really don’t think I can compete, but you never know until you try, so I’ll have a go! Thanks very much for nominating me!
    Linda recently posted..The Myth of the Tree which had the Power to Move RoadsMy Profile

    1. You can compete, your photos are gorgeous!

  4. says:

    Thanks for including me in your list. I’ve looked at the other photos and I’m like “I can’t compete with this.” But, I’m gonna give it a go anyway. πŸ™‚
    Terri recently posted..Travel IndulgenceMy Profile

    1. I know how you feel, Terri. I looked at some of the other bloggers’ entries and there are some excellent photographers out there! But, like you, I thought I’d give it a go. It’s a nice opportunity to go through some of my photos anyway. Good Luck!

  5. Wow, the blue picture is something else, absolutely love it. I am preparing to submit my entry as well. Good luck and I am very much enjoying your blog.

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment; I hope the blue judge is equally impressed πŸ™‚ Good luck with your entry; I am really enjoying seeing all the other pictures.

  6. Nice job on this! I love all of the photos, but especially the white one. Very cool shot!
    Lisa @chickybus recently posted..Meet Baby β€˜Dillon’—50% Balinese, 50% British and 100% Adorable (#Photo of the Day)My Profile

    1. Thank you very much. I love the white one too; I was walking home from work and the snow just looked so magical.

  7. says:

    Lovely photos and good luck. I’m working on this post right now and it’s not easy to pick one for each color.
    Nancie recently posted..Travel Photo Thursday — August 2nd, 2012 — An Iconic Prague AttractionMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It took me ages to decide which pictures to use, but I just went with my own favourites in the end. If it impresses the judges too, then even better πŸ™‚ Good Luck with your entry.

  8. says:

    Wow, I’m finding it hard choosing a favourite from these. They’re all such good choices for their colours!

    I love the different angle in your blue shot. I’m always looking for a slightly different angle on the standard shot.

    I took so many pictures of bikes buried in snow while I was in Sweden! At first I thought it was a few people that hadn’t brought their bikes in before the snow, but soon I realised that everyone just leaves them buried in the snow for six months until the weather is nice enough to use them again!
    Kristin recently posted..Photo of the Week: A Platypus in the WildMy Profile

    1. Thanks you so much! Isn’t it funny how there are loads of bikes that just sit under snow for 5 months of the year! I suppose they are safe enough, nobody can ride them away πŸ™‚

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  10. says:

    It makes a change to get away from the sky and sea for a reflective look inside the bottle.
    Michel recently posted..Capture The Colour and Win Β£2,000 to Spend on TravelMy Profile

    1. Thank you. I tried to come up with something more unusual as I thought that the Blue category might be dominated by sky and sea. I hoped something different might stand out to the judges πŸ™‚ Thanks for the comment.

  11. KLC says:

    Great photos. Found my way to your blog from a comment you left on another blog about the lack of community, responses to genuine comments, tweets, etc. I have found the same thing. Some people are so responsive while others never bother and it can be frustrating – almost makes me not want to read anymore!

    1. Thanks for the comment, I’m pleased you found me πŸ™‚ I have stopped following two well-known bloggers this week because I never got any responses from them! Even just a simple ‘Thank You’ for a comment would have been nice!

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