With my last month in India rapidly drawing its last breath, I realise that I have been rather slow at updating this series. (see Part 1) This is primarily down to what is known as the ‘Vodafone Saga’, which …
Asia Beaches Europe Featured Food and Drink History Japan Life in India Life in Sweden Literature Nature Photography South America Swedish Tourism Top Ten Travelling
Around the World in 26 Letters: My Travel Alphabet
I’ve been travelling the world, on-and-off, for almost 16 years—ever since an adventurous 4 week train journey took me through Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic into Romania back in the days when they each had separate currencies. …
Five Astounding Man-Made Wonders
Hot on the heels of my Natural Wonders post I thought it only right to share my top five man-made wonders.
Despite the crowds of modern-day tourists these places tell the story of ancient people and cultures.
They stand as …