Having lived in Asia for 6 years of my life, I am pretty immune to noise by now. I can sleep through the loudest thunderstorm. In fact, I like hearing early morning church bells or the Call to Prayer, and …

Having lived in Asia for 6 years of my life, I am pretty immune to noise by now. I can sleep through the loudest thunderstorm. In fact, I like hearing early morning church bells or the Call to Prayer, and …
When I retire I’m going to settle in a place where the sun is always shining and the drinks are cheap; so watching Judy Dench browsing colourful markets in the movie, ‘Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, made me wonder whether India …
I left India yesterday and have some emotions to deal with. You will hear many things about India, such as how you will both love and hate it at the same time, that you get out of it what you …
With my last month in India rapidly drawing its last breath, I realise that I have been rather slow at updating this series. (see Part 1) This is primarily down to what is known as the ‘Vodafone Saga’, which …
It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I wrote a post announcing my move to India – a place I had often said I could never live, yet had now committed the next two years of my life to. …
Last weekend was one of those times when I simply had to get out of Mumbai and, luckily for me, the weekend happened to be the Cheti Chand (Sindhi New Year) holiday, which gave me the Friday off work. So, …
I have done many amazing things during my time in India but seeing a tiger in the wild is definitely a highlight. Nothing sends shivers down the spine quite like the striking flash of orange emerging from the dense verdant …
Having been living and travelling overseas for, gulp, about 13 years now, I have met many people from many different places, all with great tales to tell. I have often thought of inviting them to share their perspective on RunawayBrit, …
Life in Mumbai can get pretty chaotic: it’s a big city, filled with—literally—millions of people. Like Raj says in ‘Big Bang Theory’: ‘it’s hot, and it’s loud, and there are so many people! You have no idea—they’re everywhere’.
Living …
If there is one thing you must do when you visit Mumbai it is to put all fears aside and try the street food; because, honestly? It’s simply the best street food that you will ever try. I promise you.…
I have been in Mumbai just shy of a year, which is—admittedly—a little too soon to write a post like this, but Mumbai is a city like no other. Often referred to as the ‘Maximum City’, Mumbai pulses with a …
When you’ve lived in chaotic Mumbai for almost 8 months, trust me, you start to long for open spaces, clear air and beautiful views, so when my parents came to visit at the end of February I planned a road …
I’ve been travelling the world, on-and-off, for almost 16 years—ever since an adventurous 4 week train journey took me through Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic into Romania back in the days when they each had separate currencies. …
Generally, I prefer to travel to a new place rather than simply go back to the same destinations over and again. The only exception to this so far has been Sihanoukville, which was just too much fun and so …
Having seen numerous documentaries and vivid photographs of people covered head-to-toe in brightly coloured powder I have wanted to experience Holi for many years. Out of all India’s many,many, festivals Holi is the most colourful and the most joyful. In …
Before I left for my recent trip to Goa I envisioned long lazy days of lounging around in the sun, shopping for cute bohemian dresses, eating good food at beach-side shacks, and watching glorious sunsets over the Arabian sea: for …
All these points are specific to how I feel about Mumbai, where I live and work. I am not an authority on what living in another Indian city is like. Of course, I am also well aware that my …
The monsoon rains have waned, swelling Mumbai’s air with thick, sticky summer heat. It was in heat like this that I started my tour of Dharavi— the slum that was once considered the largest slum in Asia, and the area …
India is a country that forces travellers to question their lifestyle choices, which is why so many people come here looking for change; and in many cases sustainable tourism can offer a chance for the changes they require. Some people …
India has blessed us with a number of long weekends recently, thanks to a large number of festivals and celebrations. Most of these holidays I have spent either recovering from busy working weeks, or getting to know Mumbai better—although I …