When you’ve lived in chaotic Mumbai for almost 8 months, trust me, you start to long for open spaces, clear air and beautiful views, so when my parents came to visit at the end of February I planned a road …

When you’ve lived in chaotic Mumbai for almost 8 months, trust me, you start to long for open spaces, clear air and beautiful views, so when my parents came to visit at the end of February I planned a road …
Last Friday evening I collapsed in my bathroom as I was about to take a shower.
Just like that: I twisted slightly to one side and fell straight down like one of those controlled demolitions, leaving me housebound for over …
Recently I have read a number of ‘Ten Places Not to Visit’ posts, or negative posts about a place disliked by the writer in which they explain why you shouldn’t go there.
Amongst others places, I have read posts that …
**Warning** This post contains spoilers, so if you haven’t seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty turn off the computer right now, go and see it, and come back later.
From the first moment I saw a trailer for the …
I recently came across this post and thought it would be fun to revisit it. True story, it took me at least 15 minutes to figure out if I am 41 or 42. Sadly, it turns out I’m 42! But, …
The process of saving for your dream trip can be a daunting procedure to begin. You know where you want to go, and how long you want to be away for; but once you start totalling up the price of …
If you have spent any time in Europe then you will almost certainly have heard of Ryanair. Irish-owned airline Ryanair is the marmite of the skies: you either love them or hate them. Most people fall into the latter category, …
When you’re packing for a long trip you have to be very selective about what goes into your backpack. Everything you carry is extra weight on your back; and those extra kilos soon add up.
A heavy backpack equals a …
Whenever anybody asks me for advice about an upcoming visit to Saigon I always start with the same tip: be careful which taxi you choose to get in.
[mks_boxquote align=”right” width=”200″ arrow=”0″]”Never take a taxi from directly outside a …
Today is grey outside: it’s not raining, it’s not cold, but a leaden sky hangs heavily overhead. I’m feeling listless and apathetic. I’m hungry, but don’t know what to eat. I could go for a walk, but I don’t know …
This post is based on my experience of travelling in South America where I visited Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia.
I travelled around South America for five months and I did not get mugged. None of my property …
Recently I posted Five Things I Did Right in South America to highlight my best decisions during my travels. In this post I intend to highlight some of the things that I didn’t know before I went to South America, …
As my journey around South America is now over I can reflect on some of the good choices that I made in order to ensure that my trip was successful and enjoyable. There is much debate amongst the travel community …
[mks_boxquote align=”right” width=”150″ arrow=”0″]“…a little common sense goes a long way. Always trust your instincts”[/mks_boxquote]I have to admit that I was nervous about coming to South America. South America has a reputation for drugs, robberies, and violence: …